The pressing need for or simple curiosity about therapy may arise in anyone during childhood, adulthood or at any time throughout the lifespan.
It can be when a crisis arises, which is causing us to experience life as painful, confusing or challenging. A loss of a family member, the end of a relationship or a change in a career, or another significant life event can precipitate it. This crisis can create within us feelings of fear, sadness, disorientation, isolation and diminished self-worth. For others, coming to therapy may not be motivated by a clear precipitating event, but rather from an ongoing sense of unhappiness, lack of direction, or questions about life's purpose. These feelings can sometimes stem from unprocessed experiences earlier in life, leaving us without a way of coping with them.
Although they may be difficult to go through, exploring these feelings in a safe environment with a caring, experienced professional can serve to help us to identify problems and make the changes needed to take care of ourselves. Sometimes reflecting on the things that have been bothering us helps guide the way to acceptance or a solution. Therapy can help us slow down and be in the moment in ways that bring clarity to our own patterns and to our own potential.
In my practice, I respect the unique experience of each individual, couple or family I see, striving to view the particular difficulties that each faces with empathy and without judgment. No two treatments are the same. The connection and engagement between myself and the individual(s) in treatment is co-created and fluid, and ultimately the vehicle for greater self-understanding and healing. Striving to contextualize our conversation in realities of class, race and gender is often a part of the work.